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Our Commitment

IBERAFRICA’s shareholders and investors are among the company’s main stakeholders. Therefore, properly managing risks and developing a solid business model that guarantees sustainability and the creation of long-term value are the key aspects of the business.


  1. Work to obtain a sustained profitability adequate to the risk assumed and ensuring that decision-making considers the levels and risk thresholds approved.
  2. Promote efficient allocation and management of resources within the framework of continuous improvement of processes.
  3. Continue incorporating aspects of sustainability regarding investors.


Customers are the main focus of IBERAFRICA’s operations. Through active dialogue, the company will provide an agile and efficient service that, in addition to complying with the legal and profitability requirements, is in accordance with their needs.


  1. Work for the continuous improvement of the security, reliability and competitiveness of its service, offering the highest level of quality possible based on the best available techniques.
  2. Promote active and bidirectional communication to understand the expectations and opinions of the customer and adapt IBERAFRICA’s responses to their needs.
  3. Make the relationship with the customer easier through simple and efficient operating procedures.
  4. Provide innovative ideas in plant operations that promote energy efficiency and contribute to a sustainable society.
  5. Apply technological innovation and the best available techniques to maintain an efficient, safe and sustainable supply.


IBERAFRICA is aware of the environmental impact of its activities on their surroundings, so it pays special attention to the protection of the environment and an efficient use of natural resources to meet energy demands. IBERAFRICA goes beyond compliance with its legal and environmental requirements, and makes voluntarily undertakings, involving suppliers, working with different interest groups and promoting the responsible use of energy.


  1. Contribute to sustainable development through eco-efficiency, rational use of natural and energy resources, minimisation of environmental impact, promotion of innovation and use of the best available technologies and processes.
  2. Contribute to the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change through low-carbon and renewable energies, promotion of savings and energy efficiency, application of new technologies.
  3. Integrate environmental criteria in business processes, new projects, activities, products and services, as well as in the selection and evaluation of suppliers.
  4. Minimise the adverse effects on ecosystems and promote the conservation of biodiversity.
  5. Promote the efficient and responsible use of energy and natural resources, establishing activities to improve their management in the framework of the circular economy.
  6. Guarantee the prevention of pollution through continuous improvement and using the best techniques available as well as analysing, controlling and minimising environmental risks.
  7. Protect the environment through efficient use and promotion of natural resources
  8. Work towards full compliance with international standards and guidelines (i.e. IFC performance standards and World Bank Group’s EH&S guidelines)
  9. Monitor and report annual greenhouse gas emissions


For IBERAFRICA, it is essential to promote a quality work environment, based on respect, diversity, and personal and professional development. Likewise, it has an Ethical Code that establishes the guidelines that must direct the ethical behaviour of all its employees in their daily work and, specifically, regarding the relationships and interactions with all the stakeholders.


  1. Apply best practices in the identification, recruitment and talent loyalty necessary for the development of business, maintaining the principles of equity and non-discrimination for any reason (disability, age, gender, previous professional career, etc).
  2. Encourage professional development of people within the talent management model, ensuring that the resources, programmes and tools needed to strengthen their skills and competencies are available to all the professionals.
  3. Promote a motivating work environment that ensures recognition of the culture of effort, the necessary independence to be able to create, develop and innovate, and an appropriate framework for total compensation.
  4. Ensure the effective implementation of flexibility mechanisms that improve the balance between professional and personal life and promote the human and social development of people.
  5. Encourage diversity and equality of opportunities in an environment of respect, listening and permanent dialogue, paying special attention to the inclusion of people with disability and extending this commitment to suppliers and collaborating companies.
  6. Foster continuous conversations between the company and social representatives to gather feedback for decision making.


IBERAFRICA plans and operates its activities on the basis that nothing is more important than the safety, health, and well-being of people. Because of this, the company goes beyond its legal obligations and requirements, adopting voluntary measures, driving continuous improvements to work conditions and in its management of safety, health and well-being, involving not only the people who make up IBERAFRICA, but also its suppliers, companies and other stakeholders, striving to avoid and prevent accidents and damage to health, providing a safe and healthy environment and promoting health and well-being.


  1. Guarantee that occupational health and safety are an individual responsibility that cannot be delegated which, by way of collective, visible commitment are led by senior management and accepted in a proactive, integrated manner by the entire organisation and all its suppliers and collaborating companies.
  2. Establish health and safety as an individual responsibility that determines the work of IBERAFRICA employees, as well as the activity of its collaborating companies.
  3. Ensure that potentially hazardous situations that may affect the workers, suppliers, clients, the general public and the safety of the installations are appropriately reported, evaluated and managed.
  4. Work to maintain a risk-free work environment, integrating occupational risk prevention and actions to protect and promote health and well-being in its business management.
  5. Establish learning as a driver of the culture of safety, through continuous training, accident and incident analysis, dissemination of lessons learned and health education and promotion.
  6. Integrate stringent health and safety criteria in business processes, in new projects, activities, facilities, products and services, as well as part of the process for selecting and evaluating collaborating companies and suppliers, whose non-compliance will determine the start or continuity of the activity.
  7. Invest in new health education and health promotion strategies to enable the workplace to become a vector for transmitting healthy lifestyles for workers and the environment.
  8. Implement actions aimed at improving the quality of life, well-being and health of people in the communities where the company operates.
  9. Provide the necessary resources and means to enable compliance with the safety standards established at all times.


Suppliers and partner companies are essential agents for the optimal operation of the IBERAFRICA value chain, with whom the company seeks to maintain stable, robust and mutually beneficial relationships of trust according to principles of transparency and risk management.


  1. Spread IBERAFRICA’s culture to the supply chain, transmitting the quest for excellent service, resource efficiency and the company’s responsible way of operating, and encouraging the adoption of criteria of sustainability in their daily management.
  2. Promote compliance with IBERAFRICA’s codes and policies throughout the supply chain, particularly in the area of human rights, ethics, health and safety and the environment.
  3. Implement practices that improve traceability and fair trade in raw materials from origin.


IBERAFRICA is committed to the economic and social development in the area around its operations, providing knowledge, management capacity, as well as dedicating part of the benefits to social investment. Fluid and permanent dialogue with society enables the company to understand the expectations and interests of the communities where it operates and to become involved in their development.


  1. Guarantee fluid, two-directional dialogue and promote the involvement of local communities, respecting their culture, regulations and environment, to respond adequately and promptly to their concerns.
  2. Perform social impact assessments of the company’s activity to avoid or mitigate potential adverse impact and strengthen their positive effects.
  3. Develop initiatives for the creation of shared value and positive social impact in energy projects.
  4. Promote education, training, cultural wealth and inclusion of the most disadvantaged groups through social investment.
  5. Transfer knowledge and values to society through collaborative agreements with the academic community and the supply chain.
  6. Provide healthy working conditions for Employees and contractors
  7. Treat all Employees and contractors fairly
  8. Prohibition of forced labour and child labour
  9. No discrimination on any grounds: race, gender, ethnicity, religion, political opinion, sexuality,


IBERAFRICA believes that the trust of its stakeholders is based on integrity, understood as an ethical, honest, responsible and well-intentioned behaviour of each person working in and for the group.


  1. Reject corruption, fraud and bribery in the company’s business and establish mechanisms to prevent and address such practices by developing internal channels for reporting irregularities, protecting the identity of the reporter.
  2. Ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and good governance principles, including when doing business with third parties.
  3. Accounts must be audited annually and in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”)
  4. Comply with the UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  5. Implement a whistleblowing procedure
  6. Information received from business partners shall only be used in the best interests of the business relationship; not for personal financial gain
  7. Comply with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations and in the International Labour Organisation (ILO) declaration, the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.
  8. Adopt responsible management practices and comply with all tax obligations in all jurisdictions in which the company operates, accepting the commitment to accountability and collaboration with the corresponding tax agencies.
  9. Reject deceitful, fraudulent and malicious conduct that leads the company to obtain undue advantages.
  10. Promote transparent information, and responsible, truthful, effective, integral and timely communication, providing regular financial and non-financial information about the company’s actions.
  11. Maintain an open dialogue with stakeholders through appropriate and accessible channels.